Homeschool Science in Early Elementary (K-2): Video Post

How do I start teaching science to my kids?  This is a very different answer if your kids are K-2 than if they are a bit older.  Here are some of the science topics you might want to consider if your kids are in early elementary. I put together a video of some of the activities we did when the kids were in early elementary.

Some of these activities my youngest was probably in preschool, but my older kids were in early elementary.  You can pick and choose what works for your kids and move into more complex topics from there!  I hope you enjoy what I hope to be a series of Minute videos! 🙂  ~Liesl

Links to the activities and printables you see in our Minute 1 video are below.

Homeschool Den Minute: Science in Early Elementary


5 Senses – sight, hearing, touch, feel, taste (This could continue on into a unit on the human body.)

Animals/Zoology: Some zoology topics you could cover:


Other General Science Units we did when the kids were in early elementary:

States of Matter – The Three States of Matter

Rocks and Minerals – We have a number of free packets on the rock cycle, 3 types of rocks, and a (free) rocks and minerals packet I made for the kids when they were in PreK and early elementary. This post also shows you some of the fun hands-on activities we did about rocks.

Skeletal System – One of the first human body units we studied was the Skeletal System. We did a ton of fun hands-on activities with this unit as well.

Simple Machines

Solar System:

Learning about the Solar System – Hands-On Kit the kids loved

Water Cycle Unit

Water Cycle Unit - Worksheets Notebook Pages and Activities

We also did a lot of Geography Activities. You might find this post helpful: Hands-On Geography Activities for ages 4 to 10

If you would like to print out this list, you can click below to download the PDF.  Just so you know, this is still a work in progress as I haven’t actually made the 2nd video yet!! 🙂 So, you might want to check back later to see if it has been updated. 🙂  ~Liesl

Homeschool Science in Early Elementary


The next Video talks about another unit we did in early elementary: Simple Machines.

Simple Machines Unit - Worksheets Lapbook Activities simple machines at a construction site worksheets Simple Machines - Levers Inclined plane wedge pulley screw wheel and axle

Wondering what to cover throughout elementary and middle school? You might want to check out our Homeschool Science Checklist for the Elementary and Middle School Years:


Some of our other videos:

If you are new to homeschooling, you might find some useful resources at this post: How to Start Homeschooling


See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page. Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter! ~Liesl

Here are some of the units we have for this age group:

Animal Packet – Animal Characteristics, Vertebrates vs. Invertebrates, Insects vs. Spiders, Animal Tracks and more!

Animal Unit (100+ pages)


Feathers Fur Scales or Skin Worksheets and Sorting Cards

Vertebrate - Invertebrate Worksheets

The 5 animal groups worksheets


Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores Worksheets Activities Sorting Cardsherbivore carnivore omnivore sorting cards and sorting mat

World Animal Packet

World Animal Unit - Worksheets Activities Montessori Cards

World Animals Pin Map


World Animals Worksheets Activity PagesWorld Animals GameAfrican Animals of the Savanna Worksheets and Notebook Pages

Life Cycles

Life Cycle Worksheets - Activities - Montessori CardsRainforest Unit

Rainforest Unit Worksheets and Activities

Biology Packet – Biomes, Habitats, the Food Chain & Food Webs, Feeding Relationships & Biological Interactions

Biology Unit - biomes biological interactionsFood Chain Food Web Food Pyramid Activties - Interactive Notebook Pages

Winter Packet

Winter Packet for Early ElementaryPolar Animals WorksheetsSeals Penguins Worksheets and LapbookWhale worksheets and activities

Hibernation Unit for Kids

Simple Machines

Simple Machines Unit - Worksheets Lapbook ActivitiesSimple Machines Booklet - Simple Machines Hands-On Activities

The Three States of Matter

Three states of matter worksheets

Water Cycle Unit

Water Cycle Unit - Worksheets Notebook Pages and ActivitiesWater Cycle Booklet


Skeletal System

Skeletal System Worksheets

Addition Games, Activities and Worksheets

Fact Family Math Games Addition Worksheets

Number Family Activities - worksheets gamesAddition Subtraction Pet-Themed Worksheets


Place Value PrintablesAddition Games for MathPirate-Math-Packet-Games-Worksheets-MathCards-Activity-Ideas

Multiplication Bundle:

A couple of years ago my youngest took on the big math task of learning all of her multiplication tables. Along the way, I made a lot of fun math packets.  She started the process of learning her times tables in previous years as she did lots of skip counting practice.  This made learning her multiplication facts really easy for her. :)  Plus, it has really helped her as she moved into long division (but I’m getting ahead of myself!)

I looked around for the kind of multiplication practice that would help her this past year. The math book she was using went through the math facts a bit too quickly for her.  She needed quite a bit of repetition and wanted bright, colorful worksheets. I wound up making my own sets of practice pages, activities, and games. She loved that!

This multiplication bundle now includes over 300+ pages of skip counting activities, games and worksheets and 18 pdfs!

Multiplication Bundle:

Multiplication Bundle - 225 pages of multiplication worksheets games and activitiesmultiplication by 4s multiplication by 9sMultiplication and Division Worksheets

You might also be interested in these free resource guides (these are each 30 or more pages):

See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts.  You might want to join our free Homeschool Den Chat Facebook group.  Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well. :) Homeschool Den StoreHappy Homeschooling, everyone!!  ~Liesl

P.S. I’ll just add in links to some of the Spelling Activities I made for the kids when they were in early elementary:

Spelling Activities

ow ou oy oi aw au Word Sort-Activities

er Sound word sort or er ir ur ear

k ck c ch cc que words

  • Spelling Word Endings -le -el -al -il -ol -ile Word Sort, Games, and Activities

Spelling-Words-end-in le el il al ol ile Games and Activities

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